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Patricia Henríquez
Patricia Henríquez
Lives & works in México City

Patricia Henríquez (Mexico, 1967) is a visual multidisciplinary artist. She is currently a member of Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte (SNCA) 2019. She has received several national and international grants, prizes, awards, and distinctions in experimental short films animation, painting, and drawing. She has exhibited individually in museums and cultural institutions in Mexico and cultural institutions in Spain, China, and the USA. She has participated in over 95 selected group exhibitions and biennials in museums of Mexico, Italy, Dominican Republic, and in cultural institutions in China, Germany, Spain, Slovakia, USA, Bolivia, Bulgaria, and Puerto Rico. Her experimental animated short films have been screened at festivals, museums, and cultural institutions in America, Europe, and Asia.

The main topic of my work is nature, which could be the animal or vegetable world. A strong world and at the same time so vulnerable, a microcosm in a macrocosm. The expanded drawing (experimental) is my main tool for registration or anatomy of the different shapes or phenomena of the natural life, of what I perceive but I can not verbally describe. The drawing like a game of different ways of expression and different formats, as artists book (reading sketches and/or croquis), the experimental animation  (images with aleatory sound and move), and the ephemeral artistic intervention in situ with aleatory sound (drawings that expand and invade the architectural space).

We see but we do not look, we hear but we do not listen, we touch without feeling, we live without perceiving our world. We perceive reality in fast flows of information through the screen, and from the perception of the other. Contemporary life and social conventions have accustomed us to having the senses dazed or almost asleep. In other times sensory perception was of vital importance for the survival of animals and man. 

Through ephemeral drawing on walls, ceilings, and floors that disrupt and invade the architectural space, an enveloping space is created with sound games that appeal to the memory and provoke in the spectator different perceptions and sensations that interact as a direct experience (situations of recognition and amnesia).


Bosque Negro
Crónica Natura
The Desert I
The Land Seen from the Sea