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Yoiner Gómez Herrera, visual artist born in the city of Santa Clare, Cuba. In 2014 I started studying plastic arts at the Professional Academy of Plastic Arts Leopoldo Romañach in the city of Santa Clara. From the specialty of Painting-Drawing I explored the possibilities of getting a image and personal aesthetics from the study of Cuban Art and universal as integration into the context of young Cuban artists (emerging). During the journey through the school I participated in group exhibitions organized by students and teachers.
During the third and fourth year he was awarded in this type of events of such incidence in the local art as it was, at the same time, for the school prestige.
Graduating from the Academy in the year 2018 with the personal exhibition -Continuous notes- was possible to inaugurate my first individual painting exhibition – De some shape, some color. The following year after a development of my work with painting I was able to organize my second individual painting entitled -In my resting place- which meant one of the first notable developments in my work. after that exposure, i have come to study at the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA), the center highest level in Cuba in terms of art and culture.
– Since my first contact with drawing and painting I could suspect an infinite amount of possibilities to build a work of art. That is where my interest in composition was born, creating shapes and design motifs and images in a state of synthesis. This process supposes a deep formal exercise between concepts of design and composition. My work is sustained through reference to impressions and prints of our daily environment, the image participates as an object and support to build plans and areas of pictorial-graphic content according to the ordinances that demand the spaces of the picture. I have achieved the painting understood as a living matter, materialized by color and air between one plane and another, which are the open areas that make up the paint body.